How to use IR Receiver and IR Remote | IR RECEIVER module

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog, This tutorial includes how to use an IR receiver and IR remote with Arduino. This tutorial also covers how to turn an LED bulb and buzzer on and off with an IR remote using an IR receiver. Finally, there are step-by-step instructions on how to on or off several LEDs using an IR module (IR Receiver and IR Remote) and how to turn ON or OFF an 8-channel relay module.
What is IR Receiver and IR Remote?
The IR receiver works by using IR rays. These IR rays are also known as Infrared rays. These are invisible to the naked eye. Also, these rays have a longer wavelength than visible light. Therefore, these infrared rays are more suitable for wireless communication. We can see this technology in various appliances in the house such as TV, radio, and fans. They remotely emit IR rays and are captured by the IR receiver in the electrical device. So we can do the relevant work. This IR receiver operates in the 38kHz band. For this reason, IR rays can be detected via the IR remote, bypassing other IR rays in the environment. This IR receiver also includes a filter called band-pass. It only emits 38KHz IR rays. The frequency is then converted to a binary number.
The different types of IR receivers are listed below.

We can see three main pins in this receiver.

- Signal – Get IR remote signals
- VCC – This should provide a 3.5V – 5V potential.
- GND – The Cathode terminal should be connected to this.
Well, now we will learn how this IR receiver works with Arduino. The necessary accessories are given below. Here we show you how to ON/OFF an LED and Buzzer using any IR remote in the house using an IR receiver.
- Arduino UNO board x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- IR receiver x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- LED bulb x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- 180-ohm resistor x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- 5v buzzer x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- Breadboard x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- Jumper wires — Our Store / Amazon
- IR remote(You can use any IR remote at home for this)
Disclosure: These Amazon links are Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
OK, let’s do this project step by step.

Step 2
Next, connect these components using the circuit diagram below.

Step 3
Well, now we will create the required program for this. First, include the IR receiver library. Download it from the link below.
- IR Receiver library — Download
Step 4
Now we will get the values received through the IR Remote into the Arduino IDE. For that, we can use the following code.
- The complete program of this project – Download
/*IR receiver circuit.
Serial monitor readings.
created by the SriTu Tech team.
Read the code below and use it for any of your creation
#include <IRremote.h>//Include library
IRrecv IR(3);//create object and define arduino pin
decode_results result;//remote values
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//enable serial monitor
IR.enableIRIn();//enable IR reciver
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);//define buzzer pin
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);//define led pin
void loop() {
if (IR.decode(&result)) {
Serial.println(result.value); //print your remote values
long data = result.value;
switch (data) {
case 1: digitalWrite(4, HIGH);//press 1,buzzer on
case 2: digitalWrite(4, LOW);//press 2,buzzer off
case 3: digitalWrite(5, HIGH);//press 4,led on
case 4: digitalWrite(5, LOW);//press 5,led off
Code explanation
First, the library is included. Also, an IR receiver Arduino pin is included.
#include <IRremote.h>//Include library
IRrecv IR(3);//create object and define arduino pin
decode_results result;//remote values
In the void setup, the serial monitor and IR library are enabled.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//enable serial monitor
IR.enableIRIn();//enable IR reciver
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);//define buzzer pin
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);//define led pin
Next, the values received through the Ir remote in the Void loop are retrieved and displayed on the Serial monitor.
if (IR.decode(&result)) {
Serial.println(result.value); //print your remote values
You need to enter the IR remote values into the Switch Case statement. We will do that later.
long data = result.value;
switch (data) {
case 1: digitalWrite(4, HIGH);//press 1,buzzer on
case 2: digitalWrite(4, LOW);//press 2,buzzer off
case 3: digitalWrite(5, HIGH);//press 4,led on
case 4: digitalWrite(5, LOW);//press 5,led off
Step 5
Now select the correct board and port and upload it into the Arduino board. After uploading the code, RUN the serial monitor.

Step 6
Now let’s get the values related to the buttons on the IR remote that we want to use for our project. For that, place the remote you want to use next to the IR receiver and press the desired button. Then you can see the value related to that button in the serial monitor. I have used four buttons to turn on or off the LED and Buzzer. You can use any four buttons.

Step 7
Now add these values to the Switch case statement. Enter the four values as shown below.

Step 8
OK, upload this code again to the Arduino board. Now you can test this project. Try the remote button you used for that. If you did this project according to the instructions above, the project will work properly. Below is the full video guide.
How to use IR Receiver and IR Remote | IR RECEIVER module
Well, now we will learn how to turn on or off four LED bulbs using an IR module. You can also use a relay module to replace this LED. Then you can control the electrical appliances in the house. This IR module includes an IR receiver and an IR remote. This also works in the same way as above. The accessories required for this are given below.
- Arduino UNO board x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- IR Module x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- LED bulb x 4 — Our Store / Amazon
- 180-ohm resistor x 4 — Our Store / Amazon
- Breadboard x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- Jumper wires — Our Store / Amazon
Disclosure: These Amazon links are Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
OK, Let’s do this project step by step.
Step 1
Firstly, identify these components.

Step 2
Connect these components using the circuit diagram below.

Step 3
Next, now we will create the required program for this.
- The complete program of this project – Download
/*IR receiver circuit.
Serial monitor readings.
created by the SriTu Tech team.
Read the code below and use it for any of your creations.
#include <IRremote.h>//Include library
IRrecv IR(2);//create object and define arduino pin
decode_results result;//remote values
#define value1 0
#define value2 0
#define value3 0
#define value4 0
bool LED1 = 0;
bool LED2 = 0;
bool LED3 = 0;
bool LED4 = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//enable serial monitor
IR.enableIRIn();//enable IR reciver
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);//define LED 1
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);//define LED 2
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);//define LED 3
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);//define LED 4
void loop() {
if (IR.decode(&result)) {
Serial.println(result.value); //print your remote values
if (result.value == value1 && LED1 == 0) {
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
LED1 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value1 && LED1 == 1) {
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
LED1 = 0;
result.value = 0;
if (result.value == value2 && LED2 == 0) {
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
LED2 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value2 && LED2 == 1) {
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
LED2 = 0;
result.value = 0;
if (result.value == value3 && LED3 == 0) {
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
LED3 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value3 && LED3 == 1) {
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
LED3 = 0;
result.value = 0;
if (result.value == value4 && LED4 == 0) {
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
LED4 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value4 && LED4 == 1) {
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
LED4 = 0;
result.value = 0;
Code explanation
First, the library is included. Also, an IR receiver Arduino pin is included.
#include <IRremote.h>//Include library
IRrecv IR(2);//create object and define arduino pin
decode_results result;//remote values
The next four variables are defined to put IR remote values. These should include values received via the IR remote.
#define value1 0
#define value2 0
#define value3 0
#define value4 0
Next, four bool-type variables are created to support the code.
bool LED1 = 0;
bool LED2 = 0;
bool LED3 = 0;
bool LED4 = 0;
Later, the Serial monitor and IR receiver are enabled in the Void setup. Also, the Arduino PINS connected to the LED bulb has been turned into an output pin.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//enable serial monitor
IR.enableIRIn();//enable IR reciver
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);//define LED 1
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);//define LED 2
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);//define LED 3
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);//define LED 4
In the void loop, IR values are displayed on the serial monitor.
if (IR.decode(&result)) {
Serial.println(result.value); //print your remote values
It also checks the IR remote values by the IF condition and includes the code for turning the LEDs ON or Off.
if (result.value == value1 && LED1 == 0) {
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
LED1 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value1 && LED1 == 1) {
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
LED1 = 0;
result.value = 0;
if (result.value == value2 && LED2 == 0) {
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
LED2 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value2 && LED2 == 1) {
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
LED2 = 0;
result.value = 0;
if (result.value == value3 && LED3 == 0) {
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
LED3 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value3 && LED3 == 1) {
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
LED3 = 0;
result.value = 0;
if (result.value == value4 && LED4 == 0) {
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
LED4 = 1;
result.value = 0;
} else if (result.value == value4 && LED4 == 1) {
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
LED4 = 0;
result.value = 0;
Step 4
Now, upload this code to the Arduino board. After uploading the code, run the Serial monitor.

Step 5
Then place the IR remote near the IR receiver and select the four buttons to turn the four LEDs on/off and press them.

Step 6
Then enter those values as follows.

Step 7
Finally, upload this code to the Arduino board. Now you can turn ON / OFF the four LED bulbs one by one with your IR remote. The full video guide is below.
How to use IR Receiver and IR Remote | IR RECEIVER module
OK, now let’s learn how to control an 8-channel relay module using an IR receiver and an IR remote. This can be done in the same way as above. The required accessories are listed below.
- Arduino UNO board x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- IR receiver x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- 8-channel relay module x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- Breadboard x 1 — Our Store / Amazon
- Jumper wires — Our Store / Amazon
- IR remote(For this, you can use any IR remote at home)
Disclosure: These Amazon links are Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
So, let’s do this project step by step.
Step 1
Firstly, identify these components.

Step 2
Secondly, connect these components using the circuit diagram below. Also, remember to connect a separate external 5V power supply to the relay module.

Step 3
Now let’s make the necessary program for this. It is as follows.
- The complete program of this project – Download
#include <IRremote.h>
#define PIN 2
#define Relay1 3
#define Relay2 4
#define Relay3 5
#define Relay4 6
#define Relay5 7
#define Relay6 8
#define Relay7 9
#define Relay8 10
IRrecv irrecv(PIN);
decode_results results;
#define remotevalue1 ""
#define remotevalue2 ""
#define remotevalue3 ""
#define remotevalue4 ""
#define remotevalue5 ""
#define remotevalue6 ""
#define remotevalue7 ""
#define remotevalue8 ""
byte relay1 = 0;
byte relay2 = 0;
byte relay3 = 0;
byte relay4 = 0;
byte relay5 = 0;
byte relay6 = 0;
byte relay7 = 0;
byte relay8 = 0;
long value;
void setup() {
pinMode(Relay1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay8, OUTPUT);
for (int a = 3; a <= 10; a++ ) {
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
value = (results.value);
if (value == remotevalue1 && relay1 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW);
relay1 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue1 && relay1 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH);
relay1 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue2 && relay2 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay2, LOW);
relay2 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue2 && relay2 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay2, HIGH);
relay2 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue3 && relay3 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay3, LOW);
relay3 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue3 && relay3 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay3, HIGH);
relay3 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue4 && relay4 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay4, LOW);
relay4 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue4 && relay4 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay4, HIGH);
relay4 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue5 && relay5 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay5, LOW);
relay5 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue5 && relay5 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay5, HIGH);
relay5 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue6 && relay6 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay6, LOW);
relay6 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue6 && relay6 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay6, HIGH);
relay6 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue7 && relay7 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay7, LOW);
relay7 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue7 && relay7 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay7, HIGH);
relay7 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue8 && relay8 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay8, LOW);
relay8 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue8 && relay8 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay8, HIGH);
relay8 = 0;
value = 0;
Code explanation
Firstly, the IR library is included.
#include <IRremote.h>
Secondly, the sensor PIN and relay PINs are defined.
#define PIN 2
#define Relay1 3
#define Relay2 4
#define Relay3 5
#define Relay4 6
#define Relay5 7
#define Relay6 8
#define Relay7 9
#define Relay8 10
Thirdly, the PIN associated with the IR sensor is entered into the IR library.
IRrecv irrecv(PIN);
decode_results results;
Next, eight variables are defined to put the values received via IR Remote.
#define remotevalue1 “”
#define remotevalue2 “”
#define remotevalue3 “”
#define remotevalue4 “”
#define remotevalue5 “”
#define remotevalue6 “”
#define remotevalue7 “”
#define remotevalue8 “”
Afterward, eight Boolean type variables and one long type variable are created to support this program.
byte relay1 = 0;
byte relay2 = 0;
byte relay3 = 0;
byte relay4 = 0;
byte relay5 = 0;
byte relay6 = 0;
byte relay7 = 0;
byte relay8 = 0;
long value;
The serial monitor and IR library are started in the void setup. Also, the pins connected to the relay are converted into output and all the relays are turned off using a “for loop”.
void setup() {
pinMode(Relay1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Relay8, OUTPUT);
for (int a = 3; a <= 10; a++ ) {
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
In the void loop, the values received over the IR remote are displayed on the serial monitor. Also, these values are added to the variable we previously named “value”.
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
value = (results.value);
Lastly, the IR remote values are checked by the if condition, and the code is designed to activate the relays one by one.
if (value == remotevalue1 && relay1 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW);
relay1 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue1 && relay1 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH);
relay1 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue2 && relay2 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay2, LOW);
relay2 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue2 && relay2 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay2, HIGH);
relay2 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue3 && relay3 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay3, LOW);
relay3 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue3 && relay3 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay3, HIGH);
relay3 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue4 && relay4 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay4, LOW);
relay4 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue4 && relay4 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay4, HIGH);
relay4 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue5 && relay5 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay5, LOW);
relay5 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue5 && relay5 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay5, HIGH);
relay5 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue6 && relay6 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay6, LOW);
relay6 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue6 && relay6 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay6, HIGH);
relay6 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue7 && relay7 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay7, LOW);
relay7 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue7 && relay7 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay7, HIGH);
relay7 = 0;
value = 0;
if (value == remotevalue8 && relay8 == 0 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay8, LOW);
relay8 = 1;
value = 0;
} else if (value == remotevalue8 && relay8 == 1 ) {
digitalWrite(Relay8, HIGH);
relay8 = 0;
value = 0;
Step 4
OK, now select the correct board and port. Afterward, upload this code to your Arduino board and run the Serial monitor.

Step 5
Now, place your IR remote next to the IR receiver and press the eight buttons of your choice one by one. Then the IR value related to that button can be seen on the serial monitor. Now add these values one by one to the code we defined earlier.

Step 6
Lastly, upload this code back to the Arduino board. Now you can test it The full video guide is below. We will meet in the next tutorial.
How to use IR Receiver and IR Remote | IR RECEIVER module