Line following Robot car kit assembly | Step by step instructions

Hello guys, welcome back to the SriTu Hobby blog. This tutorial includes step-by-step instructions on how to assemble a “Line Following robot car kit”. Also, we can easily buy this “line following robot car” in the market. For this Robot, no programming knowledge is required. Because all we have to do is connect the components included in this “line following Robot kit” correctly. Also, no microcontroller is used for this robot. This mainly includes an LM393 IC. It also uses two LDR sensors to detect black and white.
Line following Robot car process
You may recall that in previous lessons we used IR sensors to detect black and white colors. But this robot car has two LEDs and two LDR sensors for that purpose. Also, the main function of an LDR sensor is to change the resistance according to the amount of light falling on it. This phenomenon has also been applied to the robot car. That is, as the LED and LDR sensor passes through the white surface, more light is reflected in the LDR sensor. In this way, when both LDR sensors pass over the white surface, they get two equal resistance values. Then both motors rotate forward. Also, when an LED goes above the black line, the amount of light reflected by the LDR sensor decreases, resulting in a change in resistance. Then the motor on that side stops. The motor on the other side rotates forward. After, the LED and LDR sensor above the black lines are pushed back onto the white surface. So again, the resistance of the two LDR sensors is the same. Then again the robot moves forward. This process continues.
Well now let’s assemble the “Line following robot kit” step by step. You can buy this Line following robot car kit through the affiliate links below.
Disclosure: These Amazon links are Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Step 1
Firstly, identify these components.

Step 2
Secondly, connect the LED as shown below. you can lower the two LEDs connected to the bottom of the robot car and connect if necessary. (If you want to move the robot car to a brighter place, lower it and connect, and remember to connect the two LDR sensors at the same distance.)

Step 3
Thirdly, attach the 100uf capacitors.

Step 4
Next, connect the two 1k resistors for R7 and R8.

Step 5
Then, connect the 3.3k resistors for R3 and R4 and the 51ohm resistors for R5, R6, R11, and R12.

Step 6
Connect the 10-ohm resistor for R9 and R10.

Step 7
Connect the c8550 transistors for Q1 and Q2. After, attach the Lm393 IC.

Step 8
Now, connect the switch and two 10k presets.

Step 9
Connect LDR sensors for R14 and R15. You can attach these down a bit if you want. But it also works as follows. If you want to move the robot car to a brighter place, lower them and connect. (Also, remember to connect the LDR sensors at the same distance as the two LEDs.)

Step 10
Then take the two gear motors and solder them to the wires provided in the kit. Then install the gear motor to the PCB using double tape. Then solder the wire to the PCB.

Step 11
Now connect the battery holder to the top of the robot. Use double tape for this. Then connect the wires to the PCB correctly (connect the red wire to the “+” position and the black wire to the “-” position).

Step 12
Then connect the robot wheel and the front support.

Step 13
Lastly, attach the two 1.5v batteries and calibrate this robot. For that, use the two presets (make both motors rotate forward)

Step 14
Well now let’s move this robot. To do this, use the robot track on the kit. You can create another robotic track as you like. Use black insulating tape for that. Okay, enjoy this project, the full video guide is below. We will meet in the next tutorial. Have a good day.
Line following Robot car kit assembly | Step by step instructions