How to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board

How to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board

Hello and welcome back. In this project, we will learn how to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board. It’s a simple and affordable project that anyone can do. Also, we can control this project using Bluetooth. For that, I have used the HC-05 Bluetooth module and the SriTu Hobby Bluetooth controller app. Therefore, we can move this truck and turn on the water pump remotely. Especially I used the dot board for the chassis of this project. You can change it as you like. Additionally, we’re utilizing the L298N motor driver to effectively manage the gear motors.

OK, let’s do this project step by step. The required components are given below.

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Step 1

Firstly, identify these components.

Step 2

Secondly, install the gear motors bottom of the dot board. I have used a dot board for this project. But, you can use any other suitable material. And then, connect the robot wheels.

Step 3

Thirdly, install the caster wheels on the back of this chassis. Use the following images for that.

Step 4

Next, install the Arduino board and L298N motor driver on top of the chassis. Then, connect the gear motors to the motor driver.

Step 5

Now, connect the motor driver board to the Arduino UNO board. For that, use the circuit diagram below.

How to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board

Step 6

Then, paste the Bluetooth module on the mini breadboard. Next, install the breadboard and relay module on the chassis. For that, use the following images.

Step 7

Now, connect these components to the Arduino UNO board. For that, use the circuit diagram above.

Step 8

Cool, now connect this project to the computer. For that, use the USB Type-C cable. Also, please remove the Bluetooth module or RX and TX jumper wires.

How to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board
  • Next, copy and paste the following program on the Arduino IDE.
  • Code and circuit diagram — Download
#define IN1 2
#define IN2 3
#define IN3 4
#define IN4 5
#define relay 11
#define ENA 9
#define ENB 10

#define Speed 180

void setup() {
  pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  if (Serial1.available() > 0) {
    char value =;
    if (value == 'U') {
    } else if (value == 'D') {
    } else if (value == 'S') {
    } else if (value == 'L') {
    } else if (value == 'R') {
    }else if(value == '1'){
    }else if(value == '2'){

void Forward() {
  analogWrite(ENA, Speed);
  analogWrite(ENB, Speed);
  digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
void Backward() {
  analogWrite(ENA, Speed);
  analogWrite(ENB, Speed);
  digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);
void Stop() {
  digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
void Left() {
  analogWrite(ENA, Speed);
  analogWrite(ENB, Speed);
  digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);
void Right() {
  analogWrite(ENA, Speed);
  analogWrite(ENB, Speed);
  digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
  • Now, select the board and port, After, upload this code to the Arduino board.
  • After the code is uploaded, reconnect the Bluetooth module or RX and TX jumper wires.

Step 9

Now, design the front of this fire truck. For that, I used the foam board pieces. You can change it as you like.

Step 10

Then, install the battery compartment and front cover. I have decorated it like two eyes. Also, install a piece of foam board to install the water pipe.

Step 11

Next, connect the mini water pump, Relay module, and battery holder to the power terminals, You can use the circuit diagram above for that.

Step 12

Now, assemble the water line. I have used the pen cap for the water nozzle.

Step 13

Then, put the batteries into the battery compartment. Now you can test this fire truck. For that, download and install the SriTu Hobby app.

  • SriTu Hobby app — Download
  • Okay, now open the app and click the controllers button. Then, select the remote.
  • And then, find your device and connect the fire truck.
  • Now, you can test this fire truck. That’s check the motor directions and the water pump. If the wheels do not rotate in the correct direction, please change the gear motor wire.
  • I changed the wires on one of the gear motors.

Step 14

If everything is okay, place the water glass on the fire truck and put the water pump into it.

Step 15

Now you have a fire truck powered by Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA. I have used three candles to test this project. OK, enjoy this project. The full video guide is below. We hope to see you in the next project or tutorial.

How to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board

How to make a DIY Fire truck with Arduino UNO R4 MINIMA board

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